Prasmanan Cap Go Meh Komplit
    5.0  |   (1.510 terjual)

Rp. 50.000  
* Lontong, Opor Ayam, Sambal goreng ati ampela.
* Sayur lodeh, Telur Bumbu Tauco, Bubuk Kedelai.
* Served with seasonaltropical fruits & infused water & ice tea
Product Details Detail Produk
* Lontong, Opor Ayam, Sambal goreng ati ampela.
* Sayur lodeh, Telur Bumbu Tauco, Bubuk Kedelai.
* Served with seasonaltropical fruits & infused water & ice tea
Kuantitas Quantity
Min. 100 Pax Min. 100 Pax
Rp. 5.000.000
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Product Ratings Rating Produk
Shopee Xpress DC Malang
Budi Prastio
Product Ratings Rating Produk
Product Ratings Rating Produk    5.0
Shopee Xpress DC Malang   5.0
PT. AIA   5.0
Budi Prastio   5.0